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Welcome to Treasurepages.com. We have built this site to communicate great ideas to the world. The Internet is full of information, and we have decided to have a special place for special people. We publish quality works of common people around the world.

Treasurepages.com has no religious affiliation or political position. We respect all spiritual forms of expression. We simply believe that communication is the key to peace and awareness between intelligent individuals. We promote love and joy. We believe art is essential to life. This is a place where you can find contemporary expressions of artistic people.

Exciting news! Treasurepages.com is about to offer electronic books through Apple's iBookstore. The first published work is called Moonphase:Reflections. Make sure to look for it in the third week of October 2012. (2022 edit - There's actually a hard-copy version available on Amazon.com!)

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